Executives’ Top 5 Career Search Tactics

Executives’ Top 5 Career Search Tactics.jpg

A recent article in myResumeAgent’s e-newsletter for job seekers explores the tactics used by today’s executives in conducting a job search during the current steep global recession. Lauryn Franzoni of ExecuNet quotes statistics from ExecuNet’s 2009 Executive Job Market Intelligence Report indicating that 71% of executives have updated their online networking profiles in the last 3 months, versus 60% who have updated their resume.

However, when asked about the most effective strategies, uploading resumes to online databases and maintaining online profiles trailed networking activities by a wide margin:

1. Networking (70%)
2. Responding to online job postings (14%)
3. Posting resume in online database (5%)
4. Maintaining an online profile (4%)
5. Researching target companies/cold calling (3%)

Ms. Franzoni wisely points out: “While it is clearly important to establish a positive Internet presence in this Digital Age, relying solely on an online profile to build mutual trust–a critical component in developing and maintaining an effective network online and off–is not a productive strategy. To be effective, online networking should be focused, targeted and coupled with in-person interactions designed to strengthen the connections with new and existing contacts.”

Social networking sites offer a tremendous opportunity to showcase your accomplishments and expertise, build credibility, and to store and track your contacts. However, don’t forget that it’s still all about building and maintaining personal and professional relationships. Don’t let “high tech” replace “high touch”!
