Several of my colleagues indicated that recruiters seem to prefer Word format for ease of editing and tweaking for the particular job order they are working on, which confirms my experience. A neatly formatted text document is also welcomed by most recruiters, but this does not mean doing a “save as” of your Word document to text and sending it as is!
Read MoreSo, while turnover is down a bit, there certainly seems to be plenty of potential for top executives to make major career moves this year. This is corroborated by continued increases in overall payroll employment…
Read MoreYou may not be aware that The Ladders offers a series of free webinars annually that feature the latest in online recruiting, job search best practices, and contemporary perspectives on recruiting by top recruiting experts.
Read MoreI agree with Mr. Challenger, and believe that drastic measures used by some to disguise age in executive resumes is counterproductive. Is age discrimination in executive employment real? To a certain extent, but assuredly not at the level imagined by some executives.
Read MoreAs an executive I am sure you wisely put substantial effort into ensuring your resume powerfully articulates your value proposition to potential employers. But do you realize how critical it is that your executive resume properly leverages the power of keywords to ensure that the document you so carefully crafted is actually seen by those potential employers?
Read MoreTypos in your executive resume could be fatal to your candidacy for a position, according to a recent survey cited in the newsletter of the National Association of Workforce Development Professionals. Here are the sobering statistics…
Read MoreFederal regulations regarding diversity that went into effect this Spring… The new rules allow a company to search the job boards for recent qualified applicants, which in many cases means they will not look at your resume if it has not been updated in the past 2 or 3 weeks!
Read MoreThe World Privacy Forum acknowledges that while it is important to circulate your executive resume when looking for work, in the information economy, “your resume has ‘street value.'” They recommend taking measures to protect your privacy while using online resources in your employment search.
Read MoreWhile certainly it is important to avoid over-use of such phrases (especially in lieu of accomplishments), it is important to bear in mind that most employers and many job listings actually include such phrases, so they are obviously of importance to potential employers.
Read MoreMy clients sometimes ask if it is any longer necessary to have a text, ASCII, or “e-resume” version, considering the continued advancements in Internet and computer technology.
Read MoreSo now you know that all other things being equal, a candidate’s chances are far less than 50/50 that they will receive any kind of response at all when they submit a resume to a potential employer. Of course, “all other things being equal” is the operative phrase here.
Read MoreIt’s not a lack of jobs that is the source of the problem. There’s a virtual war for talent going on out there. Make sure your executive resume writer powerfully describes the contributions you have made and can make going forward.
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