Posts tagged Salary Negotiation
Play Your Cards Close to the Vest When Employers Request Your Current Salary

There really is no good reason for prospective employers to insist you reveal your salary requirements or history… You can “Just Say No” to demands for salary history information. As a matter of fact, recent court rulings in many states have made it illegal to ask a person’s last or current salary, primarily in an effort to combat gender discrimination through wage disparity.

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10 Considerations When You Have a Job Offer on the Table

All of your diligent efforts have delivered on your job search objective: A job offer is now in hand. You submitted a dynamite executive resume and have aced a series of job interviews. You just got the call and a prospective employer wants you to come on board!

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Holding the Salary Card Close to the Vest

Career and compensation experts en masse advise against revealing your salary requirements too early in the game, despite veiled (or not so veiled) threats that candidates will be disqualified from consideration if they do not comply.

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