Posts tagged resume keywords
15 Mistakes That Could Sabotage Your Executive Job Search

Even if you have a dynamite executive resume and LinkedIn profile, there are plenty of basic mistakes you can make that will slow or even bring your executive job search to a screeching halt.

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The Best Executive Resume Recipe

Whether you plan to write your resume yourself or engage a professional executive resume writing service, your winning recipe will have these ingredients, and be prepared as follows… Your perfect executive resume starts with the right ingredients, in the right quantities, blended well, and tastefully presented.

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How to Make Your Executive Resume Stand Out -- The Art of the Humble Brag

It is the sales/marketing aspect of the executive resume that stops many executives cold. You may feel like you are being cocky or a braggart if you persuasively recount your accomplishments and lay out your capabilities in a way that captures your prospective employer’s interest. Yet mastering the art of the humble brag is absolutely critical to positioning yourself effectively in a competitive executive job market.

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Hard Skills and Soft Skills Your Executive Resume Must Demonstrate

When you boil it all down, what a prospective employer is looking for when reviewing an executive resume is the right combination of hard and hard skills that will enable a candidate to deliver the results the company needs. But what ARE those "hard" and "soft" skills?

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Avoid Rejection with These Executive Resume Writing Tips

Since your executive resume is in most cases going to be your foot in the door to a new opportunity, it is critical to ensure it makes a dramatic positive impression on the reader, whether that may be a recruiter, hiring manager, or HR resume screener…. If your resume fails to meet criteria that person or system is looking for—and quickly—it may be discarded, never to be seen again.

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