Posts in General Interest
Could This Be the Reason You Didn't Get the Job Offer?

Unfortunately for many, the glowing, complimentary, or at least noncommittal reference you expected to receive from one or more of your previous employers could be sabotaging you. In the case of job references, what you don’t know definitely CAN hurt you!

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Career Change: Want to Turn Your Passion into a Career? Here’s What To Do

A turbulent year amid the COVID pandemic has prompted many executives, managers, and rank-and-file workers to consider other career options, particularly when their careers of many years have seemingly gone away. Even those who have remained employed may be rethinking their career paths. While there are honorable reasons for staying in a job you hate, that doesn’t have to be your destiny.

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What an Executive Needs to Know About Starting a Successful Home-Based Business

An option some of my executive clients have considered in the COVID business environment is to stop waiting for the next job opportunity and create it themselves by becoming an entrepreneur or consultant. The great thing about making this change mid-to-late career is that you already have a lot going for you.

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Tips to Make Ends Meet During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Many people are out of work because of the coronavirus pandemic, and many more will likely lose their jobs as the economy continues to struggle. Here is some guidance on ways to help make ends meet when you’re between jobs.

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Dress for Success in Your Executive Job Interviews

You’ve got an absolutely stunning executive resume and LinkedIn profile, have practiced your responses to the toughest interview questions, and have researched everything you can find about your target companies. But don’t forget how you look at that upcoming interview.

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Remembering “The Greatest”–Muhammad Ali

By his own statement, Muhammad Ali was an ordinary man who worked hard to develop the talent he was given. I decided that his passing deserved note on my Executive Resumes Blog, because of the determination, ambition, perseverance, philanthropy, and unmitigated success of his career—things to which most executives would aspire.

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Job References: Think Your Former Employer Can’t Bad Mouth You? Think Again

All of that persuasive information you included on your executive resume got you the call, there is an offer on the table and they’ve asked for your references. You are confident that your former employers will say glowing things about you, or at least be noncommittal… Apparently this is not so.

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